Sunday, November 2, 2008

So... We did the show in front of Bush snr and Babs in Houston Texas.  After my hair was blow-dried into Frost's seventies coiffure I pop my head round Stacy's door.

I have heard that guilty creatures sitting at a play
Have by the very cunning of the scene
Been struck so to the soul that presently
The have proclaimed there malefactions.
For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak 
With most miraculous organ...
springes to catch woodcocks, Stacy, springes to catch woodcocks!

I am put in mind of doing a performance of Importance of being Earnest before the Queen Mother on her 100th birthday, her two daughters in attendance, with Queen Elizabeth saying 'Mamma’s been on her feet all day' and Princess Margaret having scalded hers stepping into a hot bath. But this is somewhat different...
I see the Bushes in the corridor just before curtain up. Ellen Burstyn and James Cromwell? Not quite. The former President and first lady receive a standing ovation as they take their seats.

There are sitting ovations in surprise places; when Nixon asks if there are are any secret service in the room and when Jim Reston complains that after the taping finished, he heard two of the film crew say they never voted for Nixon when they had the chance but if he were to stand now he would get their support.
The atmosphere was intense during the performance especially as Frost asks Nixon to admit more than mistakes, abuse of power and putting American people through years of agony.

I had been told by Jack who works in the sound department that the Bushes came to see Wicked, but most of the older cast refused to meet them, including Carol Kane whom he drove round the block four times in full costume and curly wig rather than meet them.  George H.W invited the cast of Jersey Boys back to his office, whereupon he sent the secret service men out and gave the actors his guns to handle. When the Rockettes came to Houston the former president rested has gnarled hand on a leggy dancer botty during the photo op. True to form he taps Roxanna, who plays Caroline Cushing, on the bum with the cane he now sports. 

We assemble still in costume in the rather chilly green room to meet the parents of arguably the worst President in America's history. It must have strange for them, as if they were at a fancy dress party, the theme being people from their past.

He greets me as "the guy who's more David Frost than David Frost", and says how he had spoken with David and asked him to come along and surprise us, but that he couldn't get out of his Al Jazeera commitments. He introduces Christopher Buckley as Bill Buckley's son whom I recognise off the Daily Show.

He then spots Ted Koch in his military uniform and says how he knew Jack Brennan and wonders what he is up to now. He says that watching the show was nostalgic for him.

I later find George H. W.'s dairy entry for 9 August, 1972. He and Barbara breakfasted at the Whitehouse where

There was an aura of sadness, like someone had died. …
President Nixon  look just awful.. Everyone in the room in tears…The speech was vintage Nixon- a kick or two at the press-enormous strains. One couldn’t help but look at the family and the whole thing and think of his accomplishments and then think of the shame and wonder What kind of a man is this really? No morality- kicking his friends in those tapes= all of them. Gratuitous abuse. Caring for no one and yet doing so much. When he used the word ‘plumbers’ meaning it ‘laboring with his hands’ the connotation was a shock on me. I remember Lt. Col. Brennan who has been with him so long- Marine_ standing proudly with tears running down his face…. People who labored next to Nixon’s side forever are not invited. It’s weird. The Nixon speech was masterful. In spite of his inability to totally resist a dig at the press

After the resignation Bush snr went and addressed the National Committee. I tried to identify with the feelings I am sure they all felt- of betrayal and distrust and yet pride. I told them we had been through the toughest year and a half in history and yet I now felt we were coming on an optimistic period.

Back in 2008, Barbara Bush is more interested in Frosty's love life. 

BB: What happened to the girlfriend? Because, you know, we know Carina quite well, his wife now.
Me: I think he moved on pretty quickly afterwards.
BB: Didn't he used to go out with that singer?
Me: Diahann Carrol. Yes, but that was before the play takes place
BB: Ah, right...I can't wait for this election to be over, can you?
Me: ummm, no...
BB: Well, this brought back a lot of painful memories for us. You know we were in the East room when he gave the farewell address to the White house staff? But it was his own fault! Nixon brought it on himself. Have you ever listened to the tapes? 

She gives a big roll of the eyes, gathers her husband and we all have our photograph taken. Then, flanked by secret service men and one rather attractive secret service woman, they hobble off  to the elevator.

Before I go off for my tea,  I pop my head round Stacy's door as he is taking off his Nixon wig and he recounts a private exchange

GEORGE H.W: Do ya think I should see "W."?
STACY: I dunno, Mr President; I am in it but I haven't seen it so I couldn't say. But I do know they explore the father/son relationship in it.
GEORGE H.W: Yes I'd heard that... We're really worried about it.

Stacy wells up as he tells me this. 
I call him an old softy!

Two days later the American people vote for Barack Obama, quieting the perturbed spirits of JFK and Dr. King clearing a new path through this sweet land of liberty.

Now it begins to work...

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