Thursday, October 30, 2008

Froggie Went A-Courtin

Wondering if Joe the Plumber and the esteemed Canadian actor Christopher Plummer are related.

Latest nonsense: 
Mr. Wurtzelburger on the campaign trail agreeing that a vote for Obama means death to Israel. He also has a PR rep and is trying to secure a Country and Western music deal.Sheesh!
Claims that Sarah Palin is goin' rogue. This cheesy rhetoric! Still loving Larry Flynt's inspiration in putting out a porno with a Palin porn-a-like; 'Whose Nailin' Paylin?'. Playing to the desire/need to see this woman get fucked! 
The Bradley effect. White people just won't vote for a black guy.
Bill Weld latest Republican for Obama. Jews for Jesus anyone?

Was Herbert Hoover related to J Edgar Hoover?
No.. nor vacuum cleaners
Time to learn something about the Supreme Court

 Sandra Day O'Connor
Getting a little vibe of Margaret the Thatcher but I am not holding that against her
I picked up that she retired to look after her husband who has Alzheimer's. So one of the good guys?
Also... what is the deal with
John G. Roberts
Wow! Dread Pirate Roberts. Getting a Shaw in Jaws thang
Big change coming after the election!
The three liberals set to retire; Stevens, Ginsberg and Souter. The court could become very conservative.
Watch out..

What is a Goldwater republican?

My attention was recently drawn to him I read that the ecology movement scares Robert Anton Wilson "as much as Goldwater did in 1964"

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